Our big news- the Dargan Forum on Digital First Communities will take place on 6th July as part of Coastival

When I look back over my life (yes, I've reached a point where I do that occasionally) I realise that I've always tried to leverage the positive benefits of technology to make things better in the things that I’ve done.

As a student I created a programme using the Prolog rule based language to automate class scheduling in the BESS Faculty office, as a county councillor I set up the first virtual clinic way back in 2002, as founder of Novara Technology by using automation my team of 20 staff could manage a customer base of 10,000 while maintaining a very high quality of customer service and many others. These experiences reinforced my belief in the power of technology to drive positive change.

So why am I posting today? We are all aware that our society is entering a period of unprecedented change. At Digital HQ we firmly believe that vibrant and sustainable localities, along with their communities of small businesses, are indispensable to our country's resilience as we navigate this era of profound change.

Our country is currently in the lull stage before the major transformation ahead, a phase which bears some striking similarities to Ireland in the late 19th century—a time characterised by a surge of activity centred around identity and nation-building leading to 1916 and beyond. Foundational developments such as the establishment of the Gaelic Athletic Association (GAA), land reform spearheaded by Parnell, the Gaelic League and the Celtic Revival laid the groundwork for Ireland's emergence as an independent state with a sense of resilience and hope for a better future.

While the precise shape of Ireland’s economic and social future within the coming decades remains uncertain, one thing is clear: many long standing institutions that have underpinned our country will change, change utterly. The large headcount of the multinationals, the secure, permanent pensionable jobs and widespread home ownership will be challenged and transformed.

So how are we as a society now, today, going about preparing for this era of hyper change. What are the foundational developments currently in train that resemble in intention what our forebears did in the late 19th century in turning their hopes of a better future into action.

Myself and my colleague Nada decided to do what we can with what we’ve got and put together an event which we are calling the Dargan Forum to highlight the ideas and technologies that can enable people to get behind their place for its future prosperity, the 3 Ps of Digital First Communities! 

We can’t change the world for the better overnight but we can make a start by doing one thing differently now, today, so why not join us on 6th July and hear first hand how you can help create a better tomorrow.

Eoin Costello

The Dargan Forum is supported by Connected Hubs, DLR County Council and Failte Ireland.


Dargan Forum 2023 Provides a Master Class on Digital First Communities and the Power of Collaboration


Did you know there are over 2,500 IT Developers living in Dún Laoghaire?