How Digital Can Support Local Jobs In Local Communities - Our Model Highlighted By .IE

Digital Can Support Local Jobs In Local Communities

For the past 5 years we have been working hard with the support of Bank of Ireland and Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council to help our town's small business community thrive again through digital. Thanks to .IE we are delighted to share with a national audience what we have learned about what we call #NewLocalism because it works and doesn't require a huge amount of resources. The essential ingredient is a commitment from people that care about their town and want to create #localjobs in #localcommunities - For our actionable insights on how to do this with digital please see


DigitalHQ Clg Submission To The Public Consultation On The DLR County Development Plan 2022-2028


What’s The Collective Noun For A Cluster Of Small Businesses? A Town!