Strategy For Digital Transformation Of Dun Laoghaire Town launched
Some 45o technology jobs are expected to be created for Dun Laoghaire under new digital transformation plan for the town.
Created by Digital Dun Laoghaire, an initiative of Business Improvement District (BID), the plan includes the opening of a co-working space for digital businesses, monthly tech meetups, and a conference on digital transformation. Ongoing measures supported under the plan include a CoderDojo club and the expansion of free Wi-Fi.
Minister for Jobs, Enterprise & Innovation Mary Mitchell O’Connor said: “I congratulate Digital Dún Laoghaire on its plan to transform the town into the digital, creative and technology hub for the region. With 56% of the labour force in the area comprising professional, managerial and technical workers, Dun Laoghaire is an ideal location for a digital cluster.
“The town has excellent public transport links, a supportive County Council, strong buy-in from IADT and the backing of local businesses. There are over 70 digital companies in the area and there is confidence in this initiative.” - Source -